

Meet the 88 selected startups who will be part of the new generation of BIG!
By Amparo Paredes
03 · 02 · 2023



Photio is a nanotechnological additive that, when in contact with light, promotes the degradation of greenhouse gasses and local pollutants, transforming any surface or material into an air purifier without changing its appearance.
HQ: Chile

Selyt is a collaborative sales distributor. Customers are captured by people who download our app and enter referrals. They contact the client, advise them and finalize the sale, paying a commission to the collector.
HQ: Chile

Retorna offers immigrants in Chile, Colombia, and Peru access to make online and immediate international transfers quickly, safely, and with the best exchange rate.
HQ: Chile

Geblix is a smart patient management solution for growing clinics. Through Artificial Intelligence, they help their clients reduce absenteeism and increase patient care.
HQ: Chile

LOVEAT help restaurants thrive, online. eCommerce, last mile and marketing solutions to scale sales, control and profitability.
HQ: Argentina

Nomad seeks to reduce online sales dispatch times from several days to 3 hours, allowing producers to reach their consumers in a faster, cheaper and more environmentally friendly way. We use high technology in this process.
HQ: Chile

HPI International through an artificial intelligence and predictive psychology platform, they help higher education institutions to assess, provide feedback, and train transversal competencies in an agile, reliable, and automated manner.
HQ: Chile

Kon3cta is a B2B SaaS that improves labor well-being through a People Analytics model and a platform that guarantees access to mental health for all employees and their families.
HQ: Chile

INFOCONTROL: Artificial Intelligence that allows to recognize and organize the information of any type of digital document (pdf, images, among others) and transform unstructured data into structured information, in order to apply multiple business rules.
HQ: Argentina

Nulinga is a company that offers language learning solutions to corporate clients in Chile, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
HQ: Argentina

Wumbox is a learning platform that uses artificial intelligence and fun videogames to develop the skills of kids from 3-14 years old. It provides meaningful insights to parents/teachers & helps predict learning challenges enabling early intervention.
HQ: Chile

DeepView is an Artificial Intelligence solution specialized in the detection, in real time, of robberies in retail self-service areas, through the analysis of images from security cameras.
HQ: Chile

PleIQ is the Ed-tech pioneering “augmented education” using immersive technologies (AR/MR/VR) to transform traditional learning resources into smart-learning resources, helping children access quality education and responsibly use their screen time.
HQ: Chile

Alloxentric built a QA platform  to help our customers design and automate customer interactions and measure how well actual interactions (bot or human one)  conform with how those interactions are expected or designed to occur.
HQ: United Kingdom

FixUP! is a web platform to repair any technological equipment, from cell phones to computers and TV, offering unique services that change the way devices are repaired in the region and with a 100% digital experience.
HQ: Argentina

PEGASI has the mission of reducing by 50% the time elapsed until the first treatment of cancer patients through intelligent data management.
HQ: Chile

Boxmagic facilitates the management of 360 sports centers, providing effective tools for organizing the agenda, online sales, chatbots, CRM and communication, bank reconciliation, access control and personalized application for end customers.
HQ: Chile

MyStrengthBook is a software platform to help fitness entrepreneurs scale their businesses globally. We offer customizable white-labeled mobile apps that help coaches connect with clients all over the world to create a virtual coaching experience.
HQ: Canada

Cicla offers PLA-based biodegradable filament solutions for 3D printing. Within its portfolio are Cicla Nano, Cicla Hyper and Cicla Wood. Under a strategic purpose, this project presents the commercial scaling of Cicla Nano.
HQ: Chile


Agroinventario is a SaaS for the management of agricultural warehouses that allows farmers to save from $USD 300 per hectare per year, making their business more profitable. It consists of hardware and software that collects data automatically.
HQ: Chile

Agrow Analytics is an innovative solution because it is an irrigation optimization tool that learns from production needs through machine learning, which translates into higher production by reducing water consumption levels and reducing water costs
HQ: Spain

Aictive provides a web platform service that; using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning; analyzes the movement of a person through the camera of any mobile device and provides objective feedback to the user about their activity
HQ: Chile

Aptero provides customized metaverses inside workplace platforms, such as Microsoft Teams or Slack, that can be used as a collaborative tool/virtual campus for company teams. Our clients include big names such as L’Oréal, Paris Airport or KPMG.
HQ: France

AUDIBOTS automates the analysis, evaluation and audit of business compliance focused on small and medium-sized companies, solving the management control of accounting, tax and legal studies with many ruts within its portfolio.
HQ: Chile

Cacttus offers pet health insurance which you purchase in seconds and get your claims paid in minutes.
HQ: Chile

Codify is an organizational management SaaS that increases productivity by achieving the fit between strategy, structure and people, applying predictive and prescriptive analytics for strategic decision-making by business leaders.
HQ: Chile

ComeS TI it allows improving market access for small food producers, through software that generates and analyzes their data to provide them with visibility, marketing and financing services.
HQ: Chile

Contact is the first Marketplace for B2B services, with digital, quality and impact solutions. We rank the best digital solutions in Latam, position them through a streaming marketplace and integrate them into the same ecosystem.
HQ: Chile

CryptoMate is a Plug & Play Crypto service layer for SMEs via simple APIs. We allow companies to explore, build up and optimize business opportunities in the space. It’s time to be a Crypto Company.
HQ: Argentina

DeltaX allows Shippers to access the most reliable source of trucks in their region, with transparent pricing, real-time monitoring of loads and documents, while allowing carriers to access freight opportunities and instant operational financing.
HQ: Bolivia

Edison is a platform that helps the top 1% of leaders in the digital world to launch their own courses with an online, live methodology and focused on being dynamic and generating interactions between the participants.
HQ: Argentina

eTrainingClub social network for well-being and health where we help people improve their quality of life through a multi-content platform based on subscriptions, promoting a collaborative economy with our network of global experts from different areas.

HQ: Chile

Hyperbloq is a low-code platform that allows the technological teams of small and medium-sized companies in Latin America to innovate faster using API services and integrations that easily adapt to their processes.
HQ: Argentina

IAController for dynamic forms management, which allows its creation and management in three simple steps and applies artificial intelligence and big data for data processing in order to generate KPIs and personalized reports in real time.
HQ: Chile

Levannta RRF (Recurring Revenue Finance) for Chile, companies that operate whose business model is subscriptions will be able to enter Levannta and present their subscriptions to obtain working capital without restrictions, without debt and without dilution.
HQ: Chile

Loads is a digital platform that offers a complete solution so that the export and import of food is simple, transparent and accessible. Providing security and traceability from start to finish in the transaction.
HQ: Chile

MIIDO develops agricultural technology to communicate with the soil in real time, analyzing the level of nutrients (NPK) to optimize the use of fertilizers, increase crop yields and maintain soil health.
HQ: Chile

Native is a secure platform for multilingual messaging whose AI-driven technology seamlessly integrates chat and translation, making it possible for you to instantly and securely communicate across language barriers.
HQ: Chile

Nirby is a SaaS that combines social media and videos with bots to create high-affective experiences, increasing conversion, retention, and engagement of brands with their customers.
HQ: Chile

Outtrip is a travel tech that gives access to adventure tourism by connecting passionate p with outdoor tourism providers.
HQ: United Kingdom

Pinflag reduces the gap between the cart and payment for e-commerce platforms, increasing delivery options with more than 3,000 pick-up points.
HQ: Chile

Qubik logtech is a B2B multi-operator platform for SME from logistic industry, providing free access to technology, reducing times, costs and environmental impact through the supply-chain.
HQ: Argentina

refive GmbH With refive retailers can finally know & retain in-store customers as easily as online. Retailers can capture in-store customer data, understand customer needs and personalise the purchase experience across touch-points driving retention & revenues.
HQ: Germany

Retina RX is a SaaS for health centers that scans chest x-rays using an IA algorithm, reducing errors by 10% and report timing by 50%.
HQ: Chile

SCART is a web platform that helps users to find offers and discounts, and activate alarms to track prices, saving up to 80% in online purchases.
HQ: Chile

Sheriff is a platform that evaluates and tracks enterprises and people in real-time 24/7, using indicators and alarms to avoid risks of bankruptcy.
HQ: Chile

ShopApp democratizes access to information and helps brands in their decision-making providing real-time data of their customers with 70% lower costs than traditional investigation agencies.
HQ: Argentina is an AI-Powered Chief Culture Officer for teams. It asks questions that people enjoy answering, diagnoses issues to surface the whys, and provides tailored suggestions for making data-driven decisions.
HQ: United Kingdom

TiendaDA offers online stores, sales solutions, management and administration for traditional entrepreneurs. Integrated with different platforms including WhatsApp to consolidate businesses in a single place.
HQ: United States

TU CAMBIO is a platform of international money transfer in less than 60 minutes, with a transparent cost structure. 
HQ: Chile

USPLAT contributes to sports talent development and organizes championships using IA and sciences applied to sports.
HQ: Chile

Venew is a platform that offers spaces available per hours and creates events.
HQ: Chile is a classroom engagement and intelligence tool enabling educators to get more visibility in their live classes while adding fun and engagement.
HQ: India

This generation starts the program in March 2023



AlertIA is a system that transforms images into metrics and alerts by detecting security events and objects in real-time.
HQ: Chile


Atlas is a SaaS solution that helps to consolidate commercial and financial information for e-commerce enterprises.
HQ: Chile


BLUE LOCK AI develops a cybersecurity system through models based on AI techniques, machine learning and neural networks that will be integrated into the client’s system, allowing them to have a continuous and periodic learning system.
HQ: Chile


Bulk is a friendly collection way of taking care of the relationship with the client, they use Artificial Intelligence to learn from debtors and use clinical psychology studies to improve recovery metrics through linguistics and neurolinguistics.
HQ: Chile


ByBug provides an in-situ treatment service for organic agri-food waste based on insects raised in assemblable modules that are installed on the client’s property and allow the recycling of nutrients in the form of proteins and fertilizer.
HQ: Chile


CHASS provides infrastructure and recharge services in residential building and condos for electric vehicles.
HQ: Chile


Cliperty is a B2B SaaS and marketplace to manage and public the entire process of selling real estate projects, combining cash flows in one place.
HQ: Chile


Duvify is a platform that looks for innovative ways of managing commercial incomes.
HQ: Chile


Fonoaudiología Integral Chile is a digital platform that combines technology innovation and professional tasks to simplify administrative processes and the visualization and quality of the provided services.
HQ: Chile


Gendeporte is a SaaS that allows to manage, administrate and analyze data of amateur sports entities.
HQ: Chile is a bidirectional platform for hundreds of tourism activities, showing activities’ descriptions made by its hosts and clients’ reviews.
HQ: Chile


Izzimed changes the way medications are taken by an easy way of dosification and front-door delivery.
HQ: Chile


Looptest is a modular software that supports enterprises to follow new environmental regulations and quality certifications, providing a roadmap and methodologies of fulfillment.
HQ: Chile


Makana provides wellbeing and preventive services for enterprises by implementing technological equipment for self-attention with in-app remote support.
HQ: Chile


Monitor Social collects behavioral data in real-time from the Internet and transforms it into social indicators for citizens, organizations, and governments.
HQ: Chile


MonoApp automatizes accounting processes using a B2C platform and a B2B API.
HQ: Argentina is a digital platform that uses IA to boost the financial well-being of each person by creating personalized plans to reach financial objectives.
HQ: Chile


Plataforma Juried is a web platform that seeks to involve educators into innovative solutions of education, such as Educative Gamification, to motivate students during the learning process.
HQ: Peru is an information app that manage the control and analysis of one or multiple residential gates.
HQ: Chile


Procure to Win DUXITER calculates the qualification level of providers considering the purchasing enterprises’ requirements, increasing potential leads and reducing the evaluation and searching time from 50 to 1 day.
HQ: Chile


Pullmk is a SaaS solution for passenger transport enterprises that agile and manage the trips to increase sales and reduce administration costs.
HQ: Chile


REplace is a software solution for the renewable energy project developers market with a site-selection tool that identifies the best location for a project based on ROI and risk, and a marketplace for service providers.
HQ: Israel


Revenew is a software that automatizes, standardizes and optimizes the quantity and pricing of food enterprises, considering storage, clients, demand, and willingness to pay, among others.
HQ: Chile


Sigth IA is an IA platform that helps drugstores to manage the daily stock of their products by taking photos with a smartphone.
HQ: Chile


TIM tecnologías e innovación médica is a monitoring system of physiological variables for remote pediatric attention.
HQ: Chile


UMANO is a SaaS platform that helps enterprises to increase profitability and productivity with an integral program that considers customized support for collaborators and their families’ problems.
HQ: Chile


Unga is a planning and measuring learning platform for kindergarten education centers.
HQ: Chile


Vaulter Spa is a multi-enterprise platform that helps to automate and manage the cash flow and forecast.
HQ: Chile is a 360° solution for the reviews’ automatization management; collects and analyzes content using Natural Language Processing and omnichannel communications. Also acts as the third part of the transparency certificate
HQ: Chile


Wava is a 1-click checkout solution for any store, providing a password-less secure purchasing experience, available for merchants as No-Code Integration and for shoppers with a browser extension and app. Users can create wishlists, and get discounts and cashback savings.
HQ: Colombia


Yala  is a marketplace that allows collectibles stores to create bids.


YOMECONTROLO is a digital health platform that diagnoses chronic pathologies in an early stage with IA. Provides medical orders for prevention based on the patient’s risk profile, with low cost and remote access.
HQ: Chile

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